Albums are custom designed to your tastes, not mine.
Popular choices include Acrylic or Metal covers
but I also offer leather, linen, and the Portrait book alternatives.
Everyone has their pictures on their phones, but not everyone has an heirloom album.
The digital age has actually made wedding albums more valuable. You don't see high-end wedding albums everyday.
90% of the imagery we see every day, is on a screen. This makes the experience of holding your own handcrafted
wedding album, much more impressive.
It tells your story in a way that your phone and social media just can't.
Reliving the story of your day through an album while hearing your friends and family
ohhh and ahhh, makes it even more worthwhile. You'll remember these words when you're shoulder to shoulder
with someone, going through your own wedding heirloom.
It's a great feeling.